- Baptism
- Chrismation
- The Most Holy Eucharist
- Repentance (Penance)
- Anointing of the Sick
- Holy Orders
- Marriage
Baptism is the beginning of our new life with God and our first step on our journey to heaven. In the Mystery of Baptism we are immersed into Christ’s death and resurrection. We die with Christ in order to rise with Him. All our sins are forgiven. We are born again, becoming “new creatures,” members of Christ’s Body (the Church), children of light, God’s beloved sons and daughters by adoption and heirs to His kingdom.
Chrismation is the Mystery in which we are anointed and sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit. this is our personal Pentecost. the Holy Spirit comes to dwell within us and to sanctify us. We become temples of the living God.
The Most Holy Eucharist is the Mystery in which the one sacrifice of Christ our Saviour, His death on the cross and resurrection on the third day becomes present to us. In Holy Communion, Jesus himself feeds and nourishes us with his most Holy and Precious Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, under the appearance of bread and wine.
Repentance (Penance) is the Mystery in which we return to God, our Father. We resolve to change our life and confess our sins to a priest, who has been given the power and authority to absolve our sins committed after baptism. through him, we receive God’s forgiveness, grace and healing.
Anointing of the Sick. In times of grave illness, a Christian is strengthened with God’s grace through the prayer of a priest and the sacramental anointing of Holy oil. The person is given the grace to share more fully in the Passion of Christ and to receive either spiritual or even physical healing.
Holy Orders. By the Holy Spirit and through the hands of a bishop, a man is ordained to serve God, receiving the grace and power to perform the sacred duties of a bishop, priest or deacon. Through monastic or religious vows, men and women are consecrated to God, to His praise and service as religious brothers and sisters.
Marriage is the Mystery in which husband and wife are united as one in the communion of marriage, to reflect the love which exists between Christ and his Bride, the Church.