Members of the prayer group are requested to begin their day by praying the following prayers upon rising from sleep.
Sign of the Cross
† In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. (3)
Prayer of Surrender
O Heavenly Father, I surrender myself to You this day. I give You my heart, my will — my whole life. May Your holy will be accomplished in me — today and for all eternity.
Morning Offering
O Lord, Jesus Christ, ever-present among us in the Mystery of the Most Holy Eucharist!
Through the heart of Your most pure Mother, I offer to You all my prayers, works, joys and sufferings of this day and every day of my life. I offer You everything for the intentions of Your most merciful and loving Heart, for the conversion of sinners, the salvation of souls, in atonement for sin, for unity of all Christians, and for the needs of Your Church throughout the world. Remember, O Lord, this day, the intentions of the Holy Father, Pope [name], the intentions of our Patriarch, [name], our Bishop, [name], and all our bishops.
For The Beginning of the Day
Recited daily by blessed Clement Sheptytsky
O Lord, grant, that I may meet this day and all that it shall bring, with spiritual peace. Grant that I may submit myself completely to Your holy will. In every hour of the day, be my support and my guide. Whatever news I may receive today, teach me to accept it with a peaceful soul and with the firm conviction that Your will governs all things. In all my deeds and words, guide my thoughts and feelings. In unforeseen events, let me not forget that all are sent by You. Teach me to act firmly and wisely, without embittering and embarrassing others. O Lord, give me the strength to bear the fatigue of the coming day with all that it shall bring. Direct my will. Teach me to pray, to believe, to hope, to endure all things, to forgive and to love.
To the Mother of God
Mary, most holy Mother of God, I entrust myself to you completely as my spiritual mother. At every moment of my life protect and guide me. Teach me to grow in the likeness of your Son, our God and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
To My Guardian Angel
Angel of God, my holy guardian, given to me for my protection! I implore you to enlighten me this day, to protect me from all evil, to urge me on to do good deeds and to guide me on the path of salvation.
To the Saints
Saint [name of patron saint], pray for me, for with fervour I come to you, faithful guide and intercessor for my soul. Saint [name], pray for me. (Repeat for as many saints as you wish to invoke.)
Prayer of the Publican
† God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
† God, cleanse me of my sins and have mercy on me.
† I have sinned without number, forgive me, O Lord.