- About the Foundation
- Executive Director
- Executive Board
- African Advisory Board
- Foundation staff
- About Stephen Lewis
- Careers & internships
- Financials
Name and Nature of the Organization
The Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood of Canada, abbreviation UCBC, is the official organization of men of the Ukrainian Catholic Church of Canada. This is a non-political charitable organization.
Territory of Activity
Patron Saint
Emblem,, Seal, Hymn, Flag, Uniform
Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood of Canada (UCBC)
Edmonton Eparchy | St. Josaphat Branch
The aim of the Brotherhood is centered on the Ukrainian Catholic faith, strengthening it by supporting, enriching and developing the religious and spiritual life of the parish.
We meet: The third Monday of every month in the Cathedral Auditorium
The St. Josaphat Branch of the Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood of Canada has actively pursued its objective of faithful service for more than 60 years. This committed group of parishioners sponsors and supports parish functions such as the Family Day brunch and Pushchenia. The Brotherhood also assumes various duties in the parish and community on a regular basis. Some of these duties include:
- Ushering at Divine Liturgies and special events
- Collecting Sunday offerings
- Visiting the ill
- Fundraising and giving donations to various spiritual, cultural and social causes
- Assisting in the operation of the Ukrainian Pavilion at Heritage Days.
Members have traditionally looked after gathering pussy willows for Palm Sunday and honoring the women of the parish with a special cross and long stem carnations on Mother’s Day. Recently the Brotherhood initiated a program to acknowledge the graduates of the Ukrainian Bilingual Program at Austin O’Brien High School. The club’s many activities and projects provide an excellent opportunity for fellowship among the Men’s Club’s members, their spouses, and parishioners as a whole. The main objective or principals of the work of the Brotherhood became:
- Catholic religion: to further Catholic religion in the Byzantine rite, together with the priests to organize parishes and build churches, support church institutions, clubs, organizations, etc.
- Ukrainian culture: organize and support Ukrainian schools, further the knowledge of the Ukrainian language, literature and music and all forms of art, further and support the Ukrainian Catholic press.
- Canadian citizenship: become familiar with Canada, be its faithful and loyal citizens, strengthen spiritual growth and moral values of the Canadian life.
- Social work: organize orphanages, old age homes, hospitals, summer camps, educational centers for youth, sports competitions; all this in the spirit of Christian justice and love.
Interested in learning more or joining?
Dave Kostiuk
Serving and leading as ‘Right Hand of the Altar‘ for a vibrate Ukrainian Greek Catholic Parish and Community.
Be the Custodians and Stewards
in the Development and support of our
Vibrate Parishes
St. Josaphat’s Brotherhood is in the service to the ‘Altar’. Guided by our Aims and Tempered by our Principleswe organize and lead under the direction of the clergy to fulfil the needs of our Ukrainian Catholic Parishes and Communities.
Our Achievements
Heritage Days
St. Michael’s Senior Home
Camp Oselia
Support for Seminarians and Vocations
Built the Cathedral
Assist with Parish expenses
Organize Fundraisers
Develop and instrument Bible studies
Organize a multitude of events
Catholic Spiritual Aims
Develop and enrich the religious and spiritual life in the parish thereby strengthening the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada.
In striving to achieve its spiritual aims the UCBC shall:
- commence all meetings, conventions and congresses with a prayer
- encourage frequent partaking of the Holy Sacraments
- hold corporate Holy Communion prior to the annual general meeting and on the obligatory feast day of St. Volodymyr
- encourage members to participate in missions
- promote religious publications and religious education.
In encouraging the promotion of an education in the Catholic faith and the Ukrainian rite, the UCBC shall
- establish religious classes for children, youth and adults
- organize training for teachers of catechism
- support programs sponsored for the purpose of fostering religious vocations and support those involved in them.
- support Catholic education and Ukrainian Catholic day schools.
Ukrainian Culture
Preserve, develop and perpetuate the Ukrainian language and culture to strengthen our identity.
In endeavouring to accomplish its cultural aims. the UCBC shall
- support the teaching of Ukrainian language, history and culture in day, evening and summer schools and encourage enrollment in such classes
- provide programs to encourage youth to appreciate and exemplify their Ukrainian heritage and to identify with the Ukrainian people
- enrich the cultural mosaic of Canada by integrating the achievements of Ukrainian arts
Canadian Citizenship
Strengthen the spiritual dimensions and moral values of Canadian life.
In attempting to strengthen the spiritual dimensions and moral values of Canadian life, the UCBC shall
- provide leadership qualities in its membership
- provide programs to inform members on civic, provincial and national issues
- indicate to the Ukrainian community the standards of good upbringing and education in concurrence with the teaching of the Ukrainian Catholic Church
- encourage Ukrainian Catholic men to enter the ranks of its organization
Social Development
Initiate and support programs of charitable and social action which exemplify Christian ideals of justice and love.
For better social service and welfare, the UCBC shall
- organize help for the needy
- visit the sick and helpless in their homes and institutions charged with the caring of the sick and infirm
- strive for the protection of human rights
- support useful, worthy projects in the community
- in endeavouring to attain greater moral and spiritual benefits, as well as a higher standard of life for people in the world, the National Executive may join those organizations which would be accepted by the all-Canada Congress.