Glory be to Jesus Christ!
Dear parishioners,
Our Advent Mission commences on Saturday, December 12th, and concludes on Wednesday, December 16th. Make this your 2015 special spiritual treat! With us constantly on the go, we deserve a “break” from our regular routine to renew ourselves in spirit, mind and heart. Simply speaking, we need to “put things” in order. Come out and bring a friend or two to hear what God has to share with us.
We are blessed this year to have a Ukrainian Redemptorist preach our Advent Parish Mission. Father Bohdan Lukie CSsR was born in Canada to Ukrainian Canadian parents. His grandparents immigrated from Ternopil, Ukraine, in 1899. As a young man, he was inspired to pursue the priesthood as a Ukrainian Missionary. In 1967, Father Bohdan was ordained a priest by Metropolitan Maxim Hermaniuk in St. Joseph’s Ukrainian Catholic Church in Winnipeg, Canada.
Father Bohdan’s initial priestly assignment would take him back to his “alma mater,” this time as a professor of English literature and as a local pastor. Over the years he became an active and dynamic Pastor in numerous Ukrainian parishes stretching across Canada and the United States.
During this time he also served as a retreat master, as a missionary, as a chaplain of various Ukrainian organizations – parochial and political. Father Bohdan was often visible and active wherever there was a need to speak out and defend any Ukrainian cause.
Knowing something about Father Bohdan should help us know what to expect. He loves people, has the energy of, at least, three persons, is thoroughly outgoing, enjoys preaching, is a connoisseur of the arts, has an excellent singing voice and a great sense of humor, and has been a witness of God’s surprises for the past 48 years. For three years, the Redemptorist Fathers have assigned him as their full-time missionary. Presently, he is the Pastor of St. Mary’s Ukrainian Catholic Church in Yorkton, Saskatchewan.
A Mission is a very “blessed time in our lives” and we are blessed to experience the faith and love of Father Bohdan, which he happily and lovingly shares with us. He requests only four (4) evenings of our lives and promises Jesus will touch us all in a beautiful and memorable way!
Father Bohdan, we welcome you and pray for the Spirit’s inspiration for you and all of us!
God, our Father, we offer You praise and thanksgiving
For all the any gifts You have given us through Jesus, Your Son.
We thank You especially for the gift of our Parish Mission.
Loving and gracious God, quiet our minds and hearts,
That we may be open to the gift of Your truth.
Grant that our Mission may be:
A time of preparation,
A time of grace for all,
A time of growth for the young,
A time of renewal for the old,
A time of union for families,
A time of healing for the broken,
A time of joy for the sorrowing,
A time of challenge for the complacent,
A time of forgiveness for the sinner,
A time of strength for the holy,
A time of homecoming for those who have been away.
Grant, most loving God, that our Mission
May bring down Your richest blessings
On each and every member of our parish community.
We pray through the intercession of Mary, our Mother,
In the name of Jesus Christ
Who lives with You and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.