Daily Life The daily life of a Ukrainian Catholic is very unique as we constantly strive to be closer to God. Here is a list of articles that are vital to the daily life of learning and living our faith. Click on the title to read more on each article… The Jesus Prayer Is it Okay to Venerate Icons or Not? Christian Terminology Feast Day – The Holy Apostle Thomas https://stjosaphat.ab.ca/spiritual-life/the-apostles-fast/ https://stjosaphat.ab.ca/spiritual-life/prayers/the-prayer-of-st-ephrem/ https://stjosaphat.ab.ca/spiritual-life/prayer-cross-st-josaphat/ https://stjosaphat.ab.ca/spiritual-life/prayers/rosary/ https://stjosaphat.ab.ca/spiritual-life/prayers/profession-of-faith/ https://stjosaphat.ab.ca/spiritual-life/ten-mission-days/ https://stjosaphat.ab.ca/spiritual-life/feasts-and-holy-days/ Sermon on the Mount Missions