Adult Bible Study

Bible Study for Young Adults (ages 18-35)

Thursdays, 7:00 pm (Cathedral Basement) – Beginning September 12, 2019

The study of the Gospel of John (16 weeks). This new Bible Study provides an opportunity for young adults, especially university students, to gather, share their faith, support one another, and deepen their devotion to the word of God. Those who attend will gain a better understanding of the Gospel of John and its message, and deepen their personal relationship with Our Lord, Jesus Christ. The hope is that participation in this Bible Study will inspire participants to continue reading the Holy Scriptures as part of their daily prayer routine and private devotion. To register, please email Kyle at For the first session, please remember to bring your Bible, pen/pencil, and an empty binder. Notes will be provided on a weekly basis.


Bible Study for Older Adults (ages 36 and up)

Tuesdays, 7:00 pm (Cathedral Basement) – Beginning September 10, 2019

AREA OF STUDY: The First Letter of the Holy Apostle Paul to the Corinthians. This Bible Study for adults, facilitated by Don Hucal, has been offered for many years at the Cathedral. Areas of study have included: The Great Adventure Timeline, the Gospel of Matthew, the Book of Acts, the Book of Revelation. This fall, with the assistance of audio-visual materials, a workbook, and group discussion, we will study the first letter to the Corinthians, its context and message.